Blocked: When the Hotline Stops Blinging
That feeling when you come across someones page, and you realize.. they’ve blocked you. It’s almost unexplainable. You briefly reflect on what you may have done to deserve such a restriction, and wonder whether or not you should return the favor. The truth is that they don’t owe you an explanation, and you shouldn’t necessarily expect one. Lately I’ve begun to fully understand the importance of protecting your space. Whether it be in the digital world or the real one, you are the only person who is responsible for weeding out the bad apples. This rule also applies to the ones that aren’t all bad, but that have left a sour taste in your mouth.
I used to have an unspoken remorse for people who have been blocked by others on social media. Because sure, an unfollow from someone without notice can leave a bit of a sting, but to be blocked is just absolutely too far.. right? WRONG. People abuse the freedom and vulnerability that comes with social media and other forms of communication. Just because you have my number, doesn’t mean you get to say absolutely anything you want. Just because you know my Instagram, doesn’t mean you get to spew your judgemental comments about what I post. There are countless times when I come across something on social media that makes me scratch my head. I may not agree with it and I may not understand the intention behind it but rather than voice my confusion… I keep scrolling! Shocking right? However, It’s far easier than it looks, and saves you and everyone else a lot of typing and poorly thought out comebacks.
I’m not saying to go blocking absolutely any and everyone that annoys you on instagram, or am I? I’m moving into a new phase, a phase where there isn’t any room for people to project their insecurities on me. Whether it be through Instagram, iMessage, or Twitter… my block button doesn’t discriminate. Think about it. *inserts thought bubble* …