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Diamonds Under Pressure: Stay Stylish, Stay Passionate, Stay Encouraged

Diamonds Under Pressure: Stay Stylish, Stay Passionate, Stay Encouraged

  Summer is finally here.  The season we've all been wishing, dieting, and buying new clothes for.  For a select group of young people, summer is the time to kick back, relax, and enjoy a break from the monotony of school.  However, for others, summer is the time where the real work begins.  Internships, jobs, summer school, and a plethora of other obligations often pick up as soon as the semester ends.  

For this look, I kept things light and simple.  Summer is the time for bright colors and light clothing.  To keep cool on this 85 degree day, I paired my H&M navy pants with my comfy Bass Buck shoes.  My belt and vest are both thr…

For this look, I kept things light and simple.  Summer is the time for bright colors and light clothing.  To keep cool on this 85 degree day, I paired my H&M navy pants with my comfy Bass Buck shoes.  My belt and vest are both thrifted, while my button-up is from Ralph Lauren.  Lastly, my classic straw hat is from H&M along with my circle frames.  

  For me, I began working a full time internship the Monday after my last final.  What a way to start my summer break, right?  It's about five weeks into the summer and my schedule has consisted of going to work for ten hours each day, the gym immediately after, and then heading to sleep to repeat the process the next day.  Recently I had a very enlightened conversation with a professional in the field I'm working to be in, and during that conversation she instructed me to make time for myself, and make time for what makes me happy.  

  From the young adults working in corporate america, to the older and more seasoned executives, it's important that we all make time for ourselves and what we are passionate about.  Getting caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday isn't an excuse for letting go of those things that make you, you.  

  All in all, this post is for all those who have let their creativity and ambition accumulate a little too much dust recently.  Remember:

You should spend the same amount of time working for and on yourself, as you spend working for someone else.
— toneclassic

  I do consider myself to be a diamond under pressure, with hopes that I will emerge polished and ready to take on the world.  To my fellow diamonds, stay stylish.  Remember to get dressed for yourself.  Splurge on a new pair of boots or that bag you've been wanting.  Stay passionate.  Don't get so caught up in the process and the obstacles that you forget about the end goal and why you are working so hard in the first place.  Lastly, stay encouraged.  Anything worth having won't come easy!


Letters from TC: The Beauty in Solitude

Letters from TC: The Beauty in Solitude

Bringing the Drama: How Much is Too Much?

Bringing the Drama: How Much is Too Much?