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Join me as I style, create, inspire, learn, grow, and share it all right here.

Toneclassic: The Brand and the Lifestyle

Toneclassic: The Brand and the Lifestyle

Often people ask me where the name toneclassic comes from.  They ask over and over, trying to figure out what it means, and most of the time they are wrong.  The word classic refers to something that is judged over a period of time to be of the highest quality and most outstanding of its kind.  Being that I have a third generation first name, tone is my way of distinguishing myself from those that have come before me and making a name for myself, while staying true to the name that I was given. 

For this look, I paired my favorite Ralph Lauren Polo with a pair of striped Abercrombie Shorts, and a comfy pair of Allen Edmonds Boat Shoes. 

For this look, I paired my favorite Ralph Lauren Polo with a pair of striped Abercrombie Shorts, and a comfy pair of Allen Edmonds Boat Shoes. 

When asked to describe myself in one word, 'classic' is always my first choice.  My style and interests change on a constant basis, but I always remain true to the blueprint that I have written for myself.  This simple look that features a polo, shorts, and a comfy pair of boat shoes, is an example of how I try to maintain an aspect of classicality with the way I dress. 

With spring wrapping up and summer right around the corner, I'm all about patterns and bright colors! 

With spring wrapping up and summer right around the corner, I'm all about patterns and bright colors! 

For me, classicality and versatility go hand in hand, which is why when you look through my instagram, you will see everything from crop tops, ripped jeans and converse, to a three piece suit and snakeskin shoes.  My aesthetic is that I don't necessarily have one.  I always dress for the occasion and I always dress to match how I feel.  It's classic, and it works. 

Owning My Androgyny

Owning My Androgyny

Spontaneity and Style: Sometimes Random Works

Spontaneity and Style: Sometimes Random Works