Finally, you're here.

Join me as I style, create, inspire, learn, grow, and share it all right here.

Beautiful People, with Beautiful Problems

Beautiful People, with Beautiful Problems

  In the world of beauty, glamour, and fashion, taking the time to discuss problems that exist past picking out what shoes to wear, never seems to be in style.  Why take your time to talk about your problems when you can dress your issues up like parents do to their children, and act as if everything is ok?  If you are what society deems as appealing or beautiful, everyone assumes that you do not have any problems, and that everything must be smooth sailing for you.  If you sit outside of the borders that society's beauty standards have set, your problems are often melted into a pot with everyone else's and ignored.  


  I'm writing to each of you this week to let you know that your problems are valid.  Whatever you are going through is real and you are allowed time to deliberate over your next move.  Tears are allowed to fall and you deserve to hear more than the cliche,

"Everything will be OK." and my all time favorite, "Things could be worse." 

  While I strongly believe it is important to be grateful for the things you do have, it is equally as important to understand that when the issues you face are invalidated and brushed under the rug, eventually that rug will become wrinkled and worn out.  It won't lay perfectly flat anymore, and by the time someone comes along to help straighten it out, they won't be much help at all. 

  When it comes to expressing yourself and how you feel, sometimes rules must be broken.  Rules can keep you from letting out everything that you've been struggling to hold in.  In congruence with my feelings, I choose to break the ru…

  When it comes to expressing yourself and how you feel, sometimes rules must be broken.  Rules can keep you from letting out everything that you've been struggling to hold in.  In congruence with my feelings, I choose to break the rules with my style all the time.  No white after labor day? Suit yourself.  

  For those moments when someone asks if you're ok, and you can't lie and say yes,

say no

  You owe it to yourself to be transparent and keep it real, just as I owe it to myself to do the same.  Everything isn't always peaches and cream.  This life is short, and in the time we are given so much can and does happen to throw you off track.  I acknowledge this, I understand this, and I am not afraid of this.  For me, getting dressed each day is my way of preparing to take on the world, and the issues I face.  I could be going through the unimaginable, but exercising my style and creativity even in moments of distress is one of the things that keeps me going.

  Remember that just because people don't look like what they are going through, doesn't mean they aren't going through anything.  Also keep in mind that your trials and tribulations are two essential ingredients needed to make you into the person you are destined to be.  When times are rough it comforts me take this into consideration,

Perhaps the reason we all experience so many trials and tribulations, is because later in life we may be charged with the responsibility of helping someone else get through a similar situation.  Having survived it ourselves, we will be that much more equipped for the job. 

This week I kept it cozy in my all white thrifted turtleneck and pants.  I finished the look with a comfy pair of Oxfords by G.H. Bass & Co, a vintage Swiss Army watch, and vintage frames. 

Body Image, Society's Expectations, & Working With What You've Got

Body Image, Society's Expectations, & Working With What You've Got

 Considering Originality: Inspiration Over Imitation

Considering Originality: Inspiration Over Imitation