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Letters from TC: Expecting the Unexpected

Letters from TC: Expecting the Unexpected

Hello old friend!

It’s me, TC. I’d apologize for my absence but you and I both know the unintentional isolation that occurs when life takes its turns and detours. With that being said, I hope that you can receive my writing with open arms, and minds, as I delve into today’s topic area.

If you follow me on instagram, then you know that I’ve been in Los Angeles for the past few weeks. Some people are asking why, or if I’m here permanently. I bypass most of those questions with a witty response because I’m not quite sure of the answer yet. What I do know, is that I came here in hopes of rediscovering who I am and what it is that I have to offer the world. Back home I hit a bit of a creative rut. The world’s problems coupled with my own started to make each day a drab. Getting out of bed was becoming a chore, rather than something I looked forward to. My anxiety began to take ahold of my mind and create scenarios that (although they were the furthest from reality) I believed to be true.

I was slipping through the cracks, essentially. But I then remembered beautiful flowers bloom from cracks in the concrete all the time. They make their way through, and so will I. Like those flowers, I just needed a little bit more sun, which is another reason why I’m in Cali. I will be posting videos on my youtube channel soon to show you all some of the fun I’ve been having, but I want to take a moment to discuss some of my serious and introspective experiences here, on my blog.

A hard pill for me to swallow is that in places like Los Angeles, everyone is doing what’s best for themselves. Back home there’s a standard of midwest hospitality and morality that takes precedence (sometimes). But in the big city, there is no such thing. People can cancel plans and change their minds about you or an opportunity in a moments notice, and there’s generally nothing you can do about it. You can’t take it personal, because it isn’t. It’s not personally about you at all, which is the whole idea here. People are individualists, which ensures that they get to where they want to go.. quicker. I’ve had 2/3 opportunities fall through, opportunities that I really looked forward to. This bruised my spirit a little, but again, I’m learning not to take these things personally. Coupled with this lesson, I’ve learned to make sure I’m taken care of first and foremost before trying to make accommodations for someone else. If I don’t have any food on my plate, then how can I help put food on someone else’s?

LA is both inspiring and brutal. Humility is rare, but valuable. Though I can’t yet say I’ve found what I came here for, I do believe I am much, much closer than I was before. The beaches are beautiful, and so are the boys! Sorry, I had to say it.

Anyways, I hope that my experience lends itself to you and allows you to better navigate your own experiences, wherever they may take place. As I always say, I’m going to try my best to write more. Something that will help me tremendously, is if you all leave comments on these posts! That’s how I know that someone is reading them, and that they are making a difference.

Love always,


Letters from TC: Presence

Letters from TC: Presence

Letters from TC: The Intimacy in Sharing Your Favorites

Letters from TC: The Intimacy in Sharing Your Favorites