Social Networking: Who are YOU trying to impress?
so·cial net·work·ing
the use of dedicated websites and applications to interact with other users, or to find people with similar interests to oneself.
Instagram and Twitter have made us all become a bit obsessed with our own lives, and also with the lives of others. The slight confidence bruise that one feels after not receiving a followback has become enough to make us rethink our entire profiles and whether or not they meet the standard.
In a certain sense, we have moved away from the original purpose of social networking, which is to connect with others who have similar interests, and more towards the idea of impressing others with our profile themes and how lavish we can make our lives look.
The fragile balance between trying not to reveal too much, and not revealing enough, has left some feeling that their only option is to reveal inaccuracies. I do believe that we should always seek to show the best we have to offer, but when it comes to social media I also think that it's important to maintain a certain level of authenticity. Following a strict theme does add uniformity and also helps maintain an aesthetic, but posting a few memes or friday night out selfies helps your followers see that you too are living, and enjoying every minute of it.
In the coming weeks I challenge those reading to post something on your preferred network that best describes exactly who you are. Regardless of who likes it or how many likes it gets, post to impress yourself before yous seek to impress others.