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Letters from TC: Hello 21!

Letters from TC: Hello 21!

You can’t always control what happens to you, but you can control how you react.

  This is a quote we've all heard time and time again, but not until recently did it really start to resonate with me and make sense.  Last year I had someone tell me that we, as people, are responsible for everything that happens to us.  Interesting way of thinking, right?  


  Though it may seem drastic, I decided to give that way of thinking a try.  In year 20 I faced fading friendships, a car accident, familial pressure, low self esteem, financial struggles, and a slew of other obstacles.  After so much negativity, I decided that I would just stop letting bad things happen to me, because after all, if we are responsible for everything that happens to us, then I can stop bad things from happening... right?


  Sometimes, bad things just happen.  And yes, it sucks.  The only thing that sucks more is letting those bad things control your existence and your outlook on the future.  In year 20, I sometimes let the bad things get the best of me.  I suffered because I thought I was loosing control over things I never had power over in the first place.  


Toward the end of the 2017 I decided to stop stressing over things I couldn't control.  I decided to start reacting to my own bad news in the same way that I would want someone else to react.  I started treating myself like my own best friend, and haven't looked back since.  The result has been a slow and beautiful transformation into someone who isn't indestructible, but is definitely a force to be reckoned with.  Now, I look at the bad things similarly to how a shot feels when you go to the doctors office.  You think it's going to hurt right away, and worry it might sting a little bit after... but if you clench your jaw, or find something to laugh about, you might not feel anything at all.

Reacting well is clenching your jaw. 

Reacting exceptionally is finding something to laugh about. 


All the way from London, I am thanking each and every single one of you for supporting my blog and my brand.  To be turning 21 is scary, exciting, nerve wrecking, and invigorating all at the same time.  Cheers to a 21st chance to try again!

Millennial on the Move: Paris, in Springtime!

Millennial on the Move: Paris, in Springtime!

Sunday Brunch & Social Media Branding

Sunday Brunch & Social Media Branding